Nataša Lazarević is a Medical doctor, Specialist in Internal Medicine and Master of Science in Health System Management, with extensive experience in development and management of public health projects, programs and strategies.
Her carrier started at the Clinic of Internal Diseases of the Clinical-Hospital Center “Zvezdara” in Belgrade, followed by more than a decade-long engagement with the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Serbia on the implementation of public health programs and international cooperation. Among other, she was in charge of coordinating and providing support to the groups of the key opinion leaders of the Ministry of Health formed in the priority areas of public health. She contributed to the preparation of various national strategies, programs and action plans, and had a key role in the preparation and management of several national and international projects.
For many years she was the coordinator of the National Commission for the Prevention of Tobacco Use of the Ministry of Health and the national counterpart for cooperation with the World Health Organization in the field of tobacco control; the initiator and member of the Tobacco Control Council of the Government of the Republic of Serbia and member of the Child’s Rights Council.
From 2004-2014 she was the manager of the two consecutive grants of the Global Fund to fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria to support implementation of the National Tuberculosis Programme, which resulted in a significant decrease in TB notification rate and in WHO’s classification of Serbia in a group of low TB burden countries.
In 2010, she received the World Health Organization’s awarded for an outstanding contribution to tobacco control.
Founder and President of the Association “Mission of Health”.