SFP Coallition Meeting, December 12, 2018


  • Youngsters to see no adds for tobacco products
  • Save money for your vacation and health, NOT for PM and his industry
  • Public places free of tobacco smoke
  • Be a victm of your life, not a victim of tobacco industry.
    Don’t be a slave of a cigerattes /PM, be a hero of your life.
  • Start-up a „smoke-free generation“
  • A government that wants to have a „smoke-free generation“
  • Large tobacco tax increase in our neighbouring countries
  • A really independent EU and global tracking and tracing system
  • A change in the positive attitudes to snus among Sweedish politicians
  • Political commitment to tobacco control
  • All tobacco products less affordable and no marketing at all
  • So expensive cigerettes that nobody buys them
  • The tobacco industry held to account for its targetting of children
  • Smoke free world
  • Plain packaging ammendment to go in Lithuania
  • Advertizing and sponsorship ban for tobacco products including advertizing at point of sale
  • Tobacco/smoke – free children
  • Recognition of the right for a smoke-free world
  • Political support of implementation of the Global strategy and significant progress made in beginning this process ahead of COP9
  • Protect children from tobacco – ban ads, raise awareness about tobacco caused diseases
  • Smoke-free generation and environment
  • Adults to remember more frequently that they influence children behaviours including smoking
  • Ligislation on e-cigarettes use and marketing
  • End tobacco
  • All the friends of tobacco industry in the government turn purple color
  • Increase taxes on all tobacco products
  • „Fund for tobacco prevention and treatment“ in Spain.
    On individual level, to improve the models of adults and its influence on children behaviours!


Best wishes for NY 2019
from Ana & Health Mission, Serbia